Rotary Club of Thane Central - Rotary India

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Total Services 15
District Table Tennis Tournament

RCTC in association with TMC and pinnacle TT association organized . . .

District Manglagaur program

Manglagaur games and celebrations were organised at Sahyog mandir h. . .

Thalassemia screening camp

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder which affects bodys ability. . .

Rotary Vocational Excellence Awards

We, Rotary Club of Thane Central, are hosting the Rotary Vocational. . .

Project Shaurya

Pune, 22nd August 2024: Rotary District 3142, under the visionary l. . .

Annapurna Divas

RCTC celebrated annapurna divas at Ma Niketan

Pet Parade

In Association with Dogs World , RCTC participated in a one of its . . .

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a life saving technique whic. . .

Scholarship Books Donation to TMC schools

As commited during NBA awards our club provided books for 5th and 8. . .

Good Touch Vs Bad Touch

Jyestha Mahotsav


Rotary club of thane central honored 6 TMC teachers with the nation. . .

Good Touch Versus Bad Touch

Informative session for young children about good touch and bad tou. . .

Blood Donation Camp

"Rotary Club of Thane Central Makes a Difference! Were proud to an. . .

Thalassemia minor screening

Blood tests can reveal the number of red blood cells and abnormalit. . .

Good touch Vs Bad touch awareness amongst young ch

Rctc organized a seminar for young girls at Ma Niketan, Thane

Drawing competition for children with special need

Sah-Bhojan Project for Warkaris

In continuation with yesterdays concept of sharing food and nourish. . .

Annapurna Divas at Maa Niketan Orphanage ,Thane

Annapurna Divas . Rotary club of Thane Central members gathered at. . .